As I gear up to graduate. I started to think... What does it really mean? Graduating is an accomplishment but by what standards. Surely it's probably better to finish what you started.. However maybe It's more about the experience than the diploma. Tell me what you think about graduating? What does it mean to? And what do you think Orvy could do MORE in this design to represent all of these growing pain? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Live + Learn + Lead
i feel like when you graduate... ur not just moving onto another step in furthering your education. i feel like graduating is almost like closing one chapter in ur life, as you begin to open a new one. not just from school, but experience in general... and you learn from your previous experiences which allows you to grow and grow and grow. its like a never ending cycle.
so graduating doesn't just have to be associated with finishing school...
idk where im going with this but hope that helps....!
and yea i like this design!
As a young freshman/rising sophomore, I can't offer to much on how it feels to graduate from college but I can say that our degrees aren't just given to us like in high school. We earn our diplomas so it gives graduating a bit more value. Also, school can be tough some times, I think Orvy is too clean, maybe scruff him up a bit.
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