Friday, March 26, 2010

The rails take you places


I was obsessed with trains in my youth, always asking mom and dad about them. I liked watching them, riding them, and building model layouts of them. Looking back at the things that make you tick can be such an interesting experience. Now that I am older I am starting to understand what has kept me so mentally invested in trains. It is the process...

When I was young I could watch a model train go in a circle forever and still be amazed. However the older I got the more complex of a toy layout I would demand of myself. During this process Amtrak trains suddenly looked all too common and I started to study European high speed trains and asian mag-lev trains. See while they all accomplish the same thing, I was consumed with the process.

Are there switches? How many? The speed? Capacity? Things that normal people in their free time wouldnt focus on. But for me it was liberating. To be able to see trains switch tracks, or stop at safety signals continued to intrigue me. My most recent poem I wrote was inspired by when I was riding a train from Philadelphia. From start to finish of a train ride you will typically see many different areas up close. I noticed the run down cities and rich office buildings. Each has a story to be told, but we probably will never know it. Well this is just a random post as you can read haha. However please take a look at my Thomas the Tank engine picture I found. (this used to be my favorite show)


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Peter Parker

I got a secret so...

Ima try to whisper and not yell

I'm Peter Parker Shhhh

So please don't tell

Now I know what your thinking...Peter Parker was white

But was he? Did you meet him in person or in plain sight?

So real talk! I'm Parker


I got a heart of steel with some holes and leaks

Got acute senses and a couple of cents to keep

Don't believe me? shit

Order some pizza

On call tonight and I would be the one to deliver

So keep this close to chest

Don't blow my cover

I'm Peter Parker

Even if there are plenty of others

You may know a few of us



or maybe 3

Ordinary thorns to societies homogeny

So humble and yet hungry

So regularly overlooked

Whats a goon to a goblin if you got both shook

Venom in my veins

And carnage in my chest

I still don't let my insecurities overtake my best

Peter Parker thats me

My professors are pressed

Smarts so subtle even when I pass the test

Don't need to be gassed

I know my own worth

We are dimes in a billion on this box called earth

So im straight

Im ok

Flashy only when I see fit

When you need a super hero Jane

I can be it

So i grind and I grow

Quietly tinkering all day

I won't quit even if yall fault me every which way

For I am

one man

Not an army or savior

I do my best with the least

its my natural behavior

So now you know my secret

I hope you wont tell

And next time your in need just give a good yell

I started writing this poem on the train back to DC. We all want to be something great and maybe we get side tracked. Being great and being "powerful" are not linked in any way. But we sometimes see power as great and thats an ultimate goal for many of us. Peter Parker is just a normal dude, he just happens to get some super powers. But when you really think about his every day life its one we wouldnt want to live. Always trying to find himself and balance his power with his wants. What Parker needs/wants is so confusing that even he isnt sure. With great power comes great responsibility. However irresponsible people will mess that ish up. Hope you liked it. Im sure I will edit it before I record it.




Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Working on the new Logo Shirt

Yes new shirts will be coming out before may 1st. One of the three in mind is a new logo shirt. Here is one of the few concepts.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can the iPad fuel e-text books?

As we all know apple has finally dropped the bomb on everyone. The iPad is Apple's version of a tablet-kindle device. We can debate whether or not the $500 price is worth the admission for such a device, but I want to think about the impact it can have on school. Apple is pushing this device as THE unit to use when reading books digitally. I am sure Amazon disagrees but what the iPad can do that most other e-ink devices can't do is provide color multimedia build into the books. For instance... could you imagine reading about chemistry and not fully understanding how electrons work and with a click of a button you get a video SHOWING you how they work. So much for bonus cds in your $200 college text books. This device could really make an impact on different learning methods. I am not sure what to still make of the half a grand pad Apple has made, but I will not deny its potential. What do you all think about the iPad?