I am sure I will write many more posts on my thoughts as they change constantly all the time. Today I want to write about death…
And NOOOO im not emo or in a bad mood. Hear me out!
Death is the only thing that is guaranteed “in” life. So my point is…why worry about it? I am not saying to be reckless and not take care of yourself. What I am saying is we should value life so much that we don’t fear the end. I remember when Obama was being interviewed and some reporter asked Michelle was she scared of a potential assassination of her husband. She simply replied, “Obama could be killed any day.” She said she does not fear something that she has no control over, and that their goal would not be diverted because of fear. I really believe and understand where she was coming from. When you fear things, you tend to subscribe to behavior that may hold you back. Trust me, I still have fears and insecurities. But my goal is to not worry about something I don’t have ultimate control over. With all of these high profile artists and celebrities passing away, people are getting real nervous about the big D word. So this week lets focus on what we have control over, and use this control to make an impact, make a change, make a difference where it counts.